Saturday, January 07, 2006


So I picked up the New York Times yesterday to look at the front page and what was on it was sad. There was a picture of a child in a plastic bag killed by insurgents in Iraq, a letter from a slowly dying miner scribbled while he was asphyxiating and news from Ariel Sharon's brain surgery. Suddenly my 'rejection' posting was put in a reality check. I guess there has to be a balance in how we view what we want, what we deserve and how we perceive our place in the world. Yes, the dance world is confusing but merely writing about how I felt and knowing that people are actually going to read it made my central nervous system have a chill pill. I know it's difficult to regard the whole world everytime you make a decision or act out but placing myself out of a bubble and out into the universe constantly gives me lessons in humility. Anyway, I'm still feeling bummed about those rejections but I'm also feeling more grounded and in control of my feelings about them.

I saw Wim Vandekeybus's movie "Blush" at the Dance on Camera Festival and was blown away. It was beautiful. I didn't get to see the live performance but the movie was fascinating. The dancing just literally popped out of the screen and the performers were breathtaking in their dancing, acting and being outdoors and underwater. Wow!

Make sure you catch Balletlab at PS 122. They are my friend Philip Adams' company from Melbourne, Australia. Amazing dancers and great choreography! I saw their showing of a new piece that they are working on in Melbourne this Fall and was really impressed. I'm sure this one will be just as spectacular.


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